Tuesday, June 3, 2008

My (un)Sweet Boy

Is this the terrible 2's or am I losing my mind? Or am I losing my mind because of the terrible 2's? Very soon I'm going to be offering my son to the zoo he would get along great with the other monkey's!!

Remember my post a few days ago about the poop playing? Well it has continued it has now happened 4 times and I swear my floor and couch will never be the same. Can someone please explain the fascination of poop to me because I'm having a really tough time getting it. Yesterday in the amount of time it took me to move a load of laundry he had smeared it on about a 2 foot space of my carpet, down his legs, and across 2 of my couch cushions oh yeah and somehow on his sisters shirt!

Last night while separating more danged laundry (does it ever end?) he got a package of tomatoes off the counter and made tomato sauce on my kitchen table. He completely smashed at least 2 tomatoes and probably another 2 had little finger holes in them.

This morning I at least got him as soon as the hand came out of the diaper so I saved the carpet but geez!!!! So please speak up offer your solutions I'm ready to hear them as long as they don't include duct tape because he puts his hand through the leg hole not the top. Throw the suggestions at me please!

I think the circus is coming to town soon maybe I'll see if they need a gross new exhibit. The kid should be used to being stared at after all he is a triplet and has been stared at pretty much daily all his life.


Is it always triple trouble??? said...

i know it is hot outside but i would put pants on him and take the shirts the snap in the middle of ur legs and put on outside of pants shorts u might be able to do the same but i am not sure how long it would take for him to get in to it being they are shorts

Dorinda said...

I have no advice because it's never happened yet here. I think Caleb is an unusual breed of boy and has always been well-mannered and that would gross him out (don't ask me how this happened!!). But you are making me nervous about the girls :) I can see them enjoying this and worse taking from one and sharing. Yesterday I had to chase Julianna and Rachel out of the kitty litter for the 2nd time this trip!!

I hope you get some great ideas and things change quickly :)

Elyse said...

Dennis the Menace may be visiting for a while, but the days do get better!
Hang in there!

Amy Kilpatrick said...

OOOHHH, he is giving you stories to tell! One day you will be laughing as you tell these stories to him as his children pay him back! LOL!!!! Miss you guys! Next week for lunch?

Leah said...

Hi Misty,
It was great getting to meet you in person today at the mall with Cyndi! Your trio is ADORABLE!!!

This post is hilarious, although I feel for you... it must be frustrating (not to mention messy!). All too soon it will be me... boy am I looking forward to it! LOL!

Anyway, just wanted to drop in to say hi and it was very nice to meet you!

Leah Ball