Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Thngs they say

I've learned recently that I have to be careful about all words that I say not just the bad ones.

  • Thanks- ok not really bad but coming from my 2 year old doesn't sound right
  • I'm busy- Eek do I really tell my kids I'm busy a lot?
  • Daddy's old- ok now who told them that one?
  • I need a haircut- I hear this one every day and yes it's true but I'm not really brave enough to take them all to get a haircut by myself
  • what else- I was prompting Katie to tell what she had for dinner and she would repeat something and then say and what else
  • fat- I don't remember who it was in reference to or how it came up but why does a 2 year old know the word fat?
  • not right now- ya I hate it when I ask them to do something just to hear that!
  • mommy do it - this one goes right along with
  • I do it
  • brother did it
  • James broke it
  • James bit me- poor kid gets blamed for everything he needs to learn to speak soon!
  • dang it, dang it, dang it- OMG this is so stinking cute!

There are lots more these are just the ones on top of my brain tonight. Gotta go study now I have a test tomorrow and another Tuesday yuck!


Hilary said...

Your kiddos are so cute!! I thought i woulsd say Hi since i read your blog...I love your Mommy stories!! You have a great personality too..keep the stories coming :)
A Mommy of 2 from Texas

MaryBeth said...

So cute... just wait until they are closer to 3 and wanting to know WHY all the time!!

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