Monday, December 22, 2008

Christmas Traditions

The last couple of weeks have been busy with holiday tradition. Last week the kids spend the night with Grandma and decorated gingerbread houses and her tree. The adults built the house the night before, this is so much fun especially when most of the adults are drinking!

Today the kids and I baked and baked and then baked some more! We made Almond Tea cookies (I saw the recipe in a magazine and thought why not), Oatmeal Raisin cookies, Applesauce Raisin cookies (these are daddy's favorite), Chocolate Chip ( I LOVE the dough!), and we made reindeer cookies. Let me first day that making cookies with 3 three year olds is so much fun and sooooo exhausting! I hope they remember this forever like I do from baking with my mom, brother, and grandpa when I was growing up.

Helping mommy bake
Our Reindeer cookies aren't they cute!
James cookies
Abigail and her reindeer's

Katie's cookies and "big" smile

James and Aunt Linda

Abigail with Aunt Katie
Katie and James they just started and he is already eating candy!

I probably won't make it on again before Christmas or until a couple of days after since I have to work 4-8 AM Christmas Eve, Christmas, and the day after. OMG when am I going to sleep. Pray for my husband and mom that they can keep the kids out of the presents until I get to off Christmas, I'm not sure who has it worse me for having to work or them for the screaming they will have to listen to. My mom has this great plan that they can keep the kids up until midnight and maybe they will sleep late, hahahahahahahahahaa!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight!!!


JAMIE'S CREW said...

Misty - your pics are adorable. I admire you cooking with the kids! That is great!

You will have to remind me what your job is, I can't remember. The hours seem unconventional and I am so curious!

Hagen and Mason said...

I LOVE the traditions. Your kids will remember it just as well as you and I am sure they will continue to pass it down to their kids.
Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Glad to see the Reindeer cookies were a hit at your house too!!! I think we've made them at least four times now! They are too stinkin' cute not to, huh?!
Merry CHRISTmas!!

Dorinda said...

I love Katie's grin! Priceless :) Go mama making cookies. Someday I'll get around to that - maybe next year :) Poor Kaitlyn - stuck waiting forever!!

Glad you liked the card - Cyndy gave me your address so I could sneak it in on you :)