The girls have been with my aunts since Thursday night and I'm missing them like crazy! We got James up just in time to leave yesterday morning and left without even changing his diaper so we didn't have to fight not having his milk. To my surprise he never asked for anything to drink or eat yay!
We checked and were put in a room where he quickly became fascinated with the buttons on the bed. The tv button was a huge hit! We waited for a short time and then they gave him a sedative to drink and I carried him to pre surgery holding area. This was the funniest part of the whole day the child acted drunk almost immediately trying to touch things and not being able to and laughing. It really was funny. The dr and antistesioligist came in and talked to us and then they took him away. I haven't been that scared since the day they were born and wheeled away from me.
The surgery was over in about 45 minutes and the dr came out and said all was well. He said that the left tonsil was really bad that as soon as he touched it with the probe it started oozing yucky yellow crap. He said he had never seen one that bad on a child his size usually not until they are teenagers. I have to tell you this was the biggest relief to me it means I made the right decision and this hell is all worth it. For sure we would have been back there at some point.
It took about 10 minutes before they let me back but it felt more like weeks I swear I had awful thoughts about him coming out of recovery. When they let us back I could hear him crying as soon as they opened the door and I'm pretty sure I ran to him and cried. He was very upset but they gave him to me and after a few minutes he settled down. They let me carry him and they wheeled us back to his room, this was very strange since I was never wheeled out of this same hospital holding a child!
We were finally able to leave about 130 after he kept down a few drinks of milk. Then the real fun started. I fought him every 30 minutes trying to get him to drink anything or eat a Popsicle. He wouldn't do either until 530 when he ate 3 mini Popsicles. That was the last thing the child drank until after 9 this morning even though I woke him up every 4 hours and tried everything he would let it run out of his mouth or gag.
I called grandma at 9 and told her she must come try and she did. Can you believe with every option given to the child the only thing we could get him to drink was grandmas coffee!! Ya I know coffee for a 2 year old your thinking? Well I have never been so happy for my children to drink coffee as I was this morning. I thought for sure we were going to the ER today!
I've continued to fight him all day but he is taking sips and is still having tears and wet diapers so I guess it is enough for now. He is also up playing in short bursts so hopefully tomorrow will be closer to normal.
Here are a couple of pics for you of yesterday.
Before Surgery with Grandma
After surgery attempting to eat the Popsicle
With Daddy
Crashed at home!
thank God for Grandma's and I am glad James had a great outcome.
What a champ.
The not drinking is very common. At my hospital they left the IV in till they were drinking or at least overnight - because it was so normal for kids to refuse fluids.
Aaah, how sweet it he? I hope he's doing even better today! As long as he's up and happy by Easter right?!
Have a great and healthy week and I hope you all recover well - emotionally and physically :)
Poor little honey! I am glad the surgery is all over and that he will never have to worry about his tonsils again. Stinkin' things always cause problems. I hope he feels better very soon.
Poor little guy. I know it was important he have it done, but it's still sad he must go through it.
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