Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Up Down Up Down

That's my emotions I'm talking about! I somehow think if I can make it through this week I deserve an award and a vacation!!!

James is doing a little better slowly increasing his fluid intake although still not where it should be. He is still crying tears (mostly at medicine time) and he is still peeing (although it's getting darker) so far no dehydration, he must be getting enough. He is so much happier while taking the pain meds but getting the child to take them is pure torture for me and him. I have to hold him down with my full body and blow in his face and pray that he at least gets half of it down! Did I say how much fun this was? Better yet did I express how wonderful of a mother this makes me feel?

When I'm not holding onto the poor boy I'm holding a girl, they are really getting jealous more so Abigail than Katie. This was obvious by the lack of toys strewn across my house today regardless of the fact that it poured rain all day long so we never left the house. They really didn't want to do much except be on me, sitting, climbing, reading, whatever.

Yesterday I thought I was going to lose my mind, I guess the stress of the surgery and loss of sleep caught up with me, that and the 2 girls that came home rotten! I know I was way harder on the girls than they deserved I just couldn't seem to control my emotions and actually cried several times (again mostly medicine time). I ate so much crap I'm sure the scale will suck this weekend.

One of the hardest things with the girls is explaining why they can't have whatever brother is getting. He will only drink flavored bubble water so I let him of course, well the girls don't understand that brother is sick and that's why he gets it they get plain water. This also comes up when James decides he is hungry because he hasn't eaten much of anything I'm constantly offering him something and every time Abigail and Katie hear this the want whatever it was. I really hope all my children make it through this experience without hating me.

5 days down............


Dorinda said...

Thanks for the update - I keep checking to see how he is doing. I'll keep praying that he does better and better. I know you'll make it through - you are all strong.

On the plus, side none of them will remember!!

And forget the scale - we've had triplets - we'll work on that when we're old and bored...

Hilary said...

Hang in there Mommy!! It will get better....

Is it always triple trouble??? said...

ur doing good girl just think u are almost done and he will be "normal" again
i know it cant come soon enough but it is coming and soon at that
hugs anything u need let me know i will help also

Kate said...

I hope James is feeling better very soon! You have an awesome family. Take care!

Casey's trio said...

Sending healing thoughts your way...I know this isn't an easy time for you, but you'll get through it.
